Memories of Marie Rowe (D'arcy)

Marie grew up at 45 Monaghan Street, next door to the McCullaghs. She remembers number 43 was always packed on Mondays (fair days) and Thursdays (market days). She herself was the only girl of her family. She had five brothers, including my old friend Adrian (Aidan) Pat, who sharpened saws and knives (Stephen Downey remembers he sharpened his butcher's knives and saws); Pat married and lived in Orior Road of the Meadow with his children Raymond, Joyce and Emily : Kevin, who lives now in Australia and who occasionally visits (last did 6 July 1995); he has one son, Eamon - his wife died in Australia in August 1994, - and Seamus. The fifth brother was Eamon, who is married now, lives in the USA and has six children. Their parents John and Emma D'Arcy were married in 1921. Emma's father (and Marie's grandfather) was called Kavanagh and was also from Monaghan Street.

Marie used to collect “skins” door-to-door for Granny, to help feed the pigs she kept for bacon etc. for her eating house. She recalls carrying two buckets full of these slops down the length of Monaghan Street to feed Granny's pigs. Sonny would often help her. The buckets didn't half pong. In those times (and long after too) people used to rear pigs in their back garden for a source of income. Granny's pigs were kept in a shed on wasteland behind Hollywood's garage at the top end of Monaghan Street. Many people remember witnessing the (public) slaughter of these animals when the investment had to be realised. Apparently the squeals of the pigs when they realised their imminent fate were indeed harrowing! The “skins” collected consisted of household vegetable matter (potato skins, carrot, cabbage leaves, dinner plate scrapings etc.) which householders separated and stored for the purpose. Contrary to regulations, some residents in the new Meadow estate kept a pig in the back garden and fed it thus. As teenagers we used to scoff our friends by publicly and loudly demanding that they call soon to collect the “skins” which were rotting and smelling in storage. It was a ruse if repeated when your pal was chatting up a girl, was guaranteed to turn her off him!

On family likenesses within the McCullagh family, Marie insists that Bridie Vickers, the beautiful young girl who died on Christmas night 1945, was much like Granny McCullagh (her granny, and of course my granny too!). Marie recognizes the different “strains” of colouring in our family. Bridget and Bridie belonged to the dark or swarthy strain, as also did Kathleen Cooney. Bridget Daly (Loy) also was like Granny Bridget. Marie remembered her visiting and also her brother T Loy. She recalled Frank McCullagh coming up from Kilkeel dressed in his impressive navy uniform. He exuded an air of confidence and importance. I think everyone would agree with that assessment! Asked to comment on the other two McCullaghs, she offered the opinion that Dolly was easy-going, happy and smiling! My mother (and my elder sisters) remembers seeing a different side of Dolly, after her mother died in 1944. Then Dolly was the woman of the house and less than tolerant of the over-crowding her brother's family was causing at number 43! Relations improved somewhat after my parents were settled in the Meadow (1948 onwards). Dolly was not as capable of running the eating-house on her own as when she had had my mother's help. Eventually custom fell away completely in the 1950's.

Marie remembers my father as Sonny by name, sunny by nature! He was always happy and welcomed anyone into the house. During the 1940's, he worked for Willis'. Marie recalls the residents of Monaghan Street then, as follows.

Monaghan Street, Newry In The 1940s

The D'Arcys lived in number 45 Monaghan Street (odd numbers only on that side of the street) but Marie's folks had lived earlier further along, at number 57, where Hugh McKenna today has his off-licence (The Cork and Bottle). In fact, that is where Marie was born!

Number 41 (beside the railway line and in front of Willis') was owned by a Mrs Collins. Her husband was a sea captain and wasn't often there. Although they owned the first four houses of that block (the others paid rent to them) they did not own a radio. Marie remembers during the war, when news was eagerly sought, Granny Bridget would turn up loud the radio she had in the front room. Then all the neighbours would sit on the windowsill outside and listen attentively. These four houses she was told, were later sold to Frank Murphy of Pound Road.

At 47 lived Charlie Rodgers. He was married to Cissie and they had children Phyllis and Joe. Charlie was a brother of Petie, who like him grew up across the road, next door to Gorman's, the hairdressers. Petie lives now in Kiln Street. I spoke to him in relation to this work too. His son Noel now lives facing me in Cherrywood Grove. Number 49 was originally used as a store for the shop at 55 (see below). At 51 was the office of Willis' bakery. Although it was not a shop, Marie remembers getting delicious fresh buns there. At 53 lived the bakery manager. He was able to get to work through his back yard.

Number 55 was a shop, a general store. It was called Robinson's. Marie remembers a clutter of jars etc. on the stone floor. The family was Plymouth Brethren. Meetings were held in a store that was located between McMahon's and the shop. Later Tommy and Belle (Isabel) Crawley took this shop and lived at the back of it. Their children were Mary, Noreen, Pauline (RIP- died last year in Newry Hospice), Kathleen, Thomas, Pat and Benny (who now has a shop in Stream Street.) Pat is now the bursar of Abbey Grammar School, Courtenay Hill.

As mentioned number 57 was Kavanaghs, Marie's people's house. Marie's mother's cousin Paddy Kavanagh lived there then. His children were Tony, Carmel, Joseph and Arthur. Later they would live at Ballinlare Gardens, in Killeavey Road, the Meadow. They were first cousins of Pat Kavanagh, best man at my wedding. Marie's mother Emma had died in 1932 of tuberculosis, that often-mentioned disease which killed so many of my own relations. Like the word cancer today, many people then would not speak the disease's name. John (Marie's father) remembered that some people would not even enter the house where she had died of it. There were just two bedrooms. Overcrowding and poor diet/conditions contributed to the spread of the disease. Today T.B. is making a big comeback. There are 300 new cases per year in Ireland. Now there are over 4 million sufferers worldwide. It is especially rampant in developing countries where there is little availability of the antibiotics used to counter it.

At 59 lived the McConaghy's. Today their grandson Declan works for BBC's Radio Ulster.

At 61 lived the McCormack's. Charlie worked in McCann's. Children of this family included Philomena who would later marry my friend and colleague in Concern, John Duffy. Phyl died a few years ago and is sorely missed. Other McCormacks were Kathleen and Billy. Billy was a staunch trade union man. He became involved in the labour split of the forties in Newry that centred on the Queen Street Union Hall. Jimmy Kavanagh (Mollie's brother) was on the same side with him. Tom Kelly was on the opposing side.

At 63 lived Mr and Mrs McGuigan. Eileen McGuigan (friend of Dolly's) was their grand daughter but was reared as a daughter. Her mother was Rose. She went to the United States and married a man named Murphy. Rose was a real good looker. She worked in Moloccas ice-cream parlour in Warrenpoint. Josie Rafferty, Marie tells me, was from John Martin Gardens. She was related to Dr (Ronald) Rafferty.

Maurice Rowe (Marie's husband) remembers about Granny's eating-house, that you would always get a good hearty meal there. He recalls the men from Crossmaglen and from Mullaghbawn, who would sit outside, on the windowsill, eating their meal. There'd be two rough tables there for them. The atmosphere was totally friendly and relaxed.

At 65 lived Mickey Flanagan and his wife. They had no family. He was a brother of Mrs McGuigan who lived next door.

Other residents of the street included the Treanors, at 67. They were three sisters, one a dressmaker, Minnie from Dundalk. At 69 lived the Mulhollands. Johnny Mulholland's daughter Marie lived next door to Flo and I in Loughview Park when we first moved to Newry. Johnny's father worked on the railway. His other children included Jimmy, Lily and Chrissie. He and his wife also reared Dessie Kavanagh, who was a nephew of old Mulholland's wife.

Number 71 (today Pat Duffy's shoe shop) was an empty shop belonging to a Flanagan who lived further up the street. In the blackberry season it was used for collecting and processing the fruit. Upstairs here lived a Belfast evacuee, one Jackie Hearst, an old and well-loved character about Newry who was one of the most accomplished accordion players ever heard. He achieved some little fame, playing in several bands, including one of his own name but never achieved the recognition he deserved. With him lived his mother, his sister Evelyn and his niece Agnes Storey. She later married Brendan Macken of O'Neill Avenue, father of the late Paul who used to participate in my quizzes.

At 73 lived Bridie and Peader O'Hare and their children David, Pierce and Jeffery. At 75 lived a very short man named Mackin who worked with enormous shire horses for McCanns. He had two daughters Mary and Rosie. At 79 lived Mr and Mrs McCourt (even shorter!) who were a quiet and unassuming couple with no family. Next door at 77 were the Gouldings with their children Pat and Brian.

At 81 lived the Mallons. He was a cattle dealer, specialising in cows. One son became a doctor, universally known as Sunshine Mallon for his indefatigable optimism regarding everyone's condition! Other children were Leo (of the Horseshoe, Orior Road, once a cattle dealer too, now just a dealer and a Greengrass type character) - Jack, Ronnie, Francis (also a doctor), Patsy, Maureen and Sheila. Sheila married Mick Ward who is still Principal of St Paul's School, Bessbrook.

Number 83 housed the Gunns who owned a pub there. The man's wife was a district nurse. Later they lived in the Glen. Jim Gunn still does. I went to school with Philip. Later we met when Flo and his wife Tosh were having babies at the same time in Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital.

On the other side of the street, beside Gormans (36) and Rodgers (38) lived the Bradys (40). They were cattle dealers. There were three sons Jim, Harry and Pat. There were also three daughters, Nellie, Mollie and Dora. Much later Jim Brady with his wife and family lived next door to us on Slieve Gullion Road.

At 42 were the Hillens, who were grocers (where Rices is today). Mary and Pat McParland lived at 44. He worked in O'Hagans. Mr McParland, retired vice-principal of St Paul's School Bessbrook grew up here. He was a son of the McParland who drove the oil-truck that killed Joan Vickers. At 46 lived the Dohertys. There were four sisters. One was a friend of our Dollys. Her name was Bridget (Marie didn't like her!). There was also one brother.

At 48 was the McAteers. Peter was a taxi driver, his wife a dressmaker. They came to live here in the late 1950's. They were less than friendly. Their children Rita and Peter were twins. He was ginger haired. He worked in the gas-works.

There was a garage at number 50. It was often used as a coal store. During the war German prisoners of war were kept there and made to work, guarded by British soldiers. Amongst other things they fashioned children's toys from wood.

Beyond this was Barny Hughes' pub, much beloved of the men of the area, and later my father's favourite watering hole. My elder sisters and I remember, still with a shiver of apprehension, the Friday nights when we would be sent to bring Sonny home before the week's grocery money would be spent on Guinness! Then we would be subjected to the humiliation of putting on a show of our talents for dad's cronies! A memory best forgotten!

Marie also referred to one Frank Quinn (known as Pipe) who worked as a foreman in McGowans printers. He was a stylish man who dressed well. The story was that he was illegitimate and his real name was Warner! He died in his eighties in 1995.


No. Use Family? Name of occupier Total in family
1 Pub Yes Annie McConville 12
2 Printing Office
3 Pub
4 Shop
5 Pub Yes John Savage 3
6 Shop
7 Shop Yes James Gordon 7
8 Rectifying Distillery
9 Customs Bonded Store
10 Private House Yes John Thompson 7
11 Private House Yes James Mark 3
12 Private House Yes Mary Magennis 6
13 Pub Yes Joseph O’Kean 7
14 Private House Yes Mary McKevitt 7
15 Shop Yes Agnes Gilow 3
16 Private House Yes Catherine Egan 4
17 Private House Yes William Bell 5
18 Private House Yes Alex Mahood 6
19 Manufactory
20 Private House Yes Charles Pollock 2
Private House Yes Margaret Donnelly 5
21 Private House Yes Minnie Buchanan 2
22 Shop Yes Peter Feehan 10
23 Private house Yes William Lee 3
24 Private House Yes Edward Crilly 3
Private House Yes Michael McCoy 2
25 Private House Yes Thomas Gallogly 2
26 Shop Yes William Barron 2
27 Pub Yes Ino McKnight 6
28 Private House Yes Wilfred Squire 4
29 Private House Yes James McMahon 3
30 Private House Yes Hugh McKay 4
31 Private House Yes John Loughran 5
32 Private House Yes Sam McCauley 8
33 Private House Yes John Kavanagh 7
34 Private House Yes Ino Treanor 6
35 Private House Yes Hugh Flanagan 2
36 Private House Yes Mary Farrell 4
37 Private House Yes Owen Kelly 3
38 Private House Yes Mary McCloskey 3
39 Shop Yes Robert Robinson 4
40 Private House Yes John Power 9
41 Private House Yes Margaret Gorman 2
42 Private House Yes Peter Campbell 5
43 Private House Yes Anne O’Neill 4
44 Private House Yes Michael McCoy 3
45 Private House Unoccupied
46 Private House Yes Patrick Sharkey 4
47 Private House Yes John Calderwell 1
48 Private House Yes John Fields 6
49 Private House Yes Patrick Hunter 10
50 Private House Yes James Mulgrew 3
51 Private House Yes Joseph Sinclair 5
52 Private House Yes Essie Black 11
53 Rectifying Distillery
54 Customs Bonding Store
55 Pub Yes Walter Savage 7
56 Private House Yes Eliza Bell 4
57 Private House Yes Mary O’Callaghan 5
58 Shop
59 Shop
60 Shop
61 Pub Yes Michael McArdle 4
62 Private House Yes Michael McCoy 5

Marie Rowe Speaking in 2001